What's New!!
We are pleased to announce that our October 2019 and February 2020 missions to M'Hamid Morocco and Chisec Guatemala were outstanding successes. The Doctors, CDA's, Hygienists and spouses from Baker Hill Dental with KIA were able to help over 1000 needy people to feel free of dental pain, some for the first time in years. Our hearts were melted by the welcome we received from the local people who took us into their homes and shared their food with us. With the expertise of Kindness In Action, a non profit dental charity based out of Alberta, we were able to supply dental hygiene, education, restorative work and surgical treatments to populations of people completely cut off from access to modern dental treatment.
2024 will see a host of Dental Missions both locally and in Guatemala and Kenya. To say we are excited about helping our local and global communities would be a huge understatement.
I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our generous friends, local businesses, humanitarians and patients who made these trips a reality. Without you this would not have been possible. I truly believe that these trips not only benefit those treated but also opens the hearts of the workers who provide the treatment. Canada gains a reputation of being a caring nation and the lives of all involved are changed forever. I now have a greater understanding of the comforts I had always taken for granted, clean drinking water, electricity, sanitation, access to medical care just to name a few.
We are looking forward to these future volunteer trips hoping to make a difference in the lives of the worlds people with no access to modern dentistry. We would again like to thank you all for making this one of our many goals here at Baker Hill Dental possible. Thank you for being a part of something bigger!